From a cell phone dial (413) 538-2304
Earthquakes are one of the most potentially damaging emergencies the campus will face. The potential coexistence of other disasters with earthquakes, such as fires, natural gas line ruptures, power outages, and ground failures add to the potential for catastrophic damage to campus and the surrounding area. Organizations are expected to be self-sufficient up to 3 days following a major earthquake, without government agency or utility company response. In the event of an earthquake
If Inside:
1. Take cover under a desk or table and hold on. If your cover moves, move with it. Brace in a doorway if cover is not available -- be cautious of swinging doors and people traffic. Avoid outside or high-use doorways.
2. Stay away from windows and objects that could fall.
3. If in a theater or lecture hall, stay in your seat or get under it, if possible. Protect your head with your arms.
4. When shaking stops, move cautiously outside. Be careful of falling building materials or uneven ground. When outside, move away from the building.
5. Proceed to a designated assembly point, or if unsafe, an alternate assembly point. Remain for further instruction.
6. Instructors and supervisors: Notify the Public Safety of anyone unaccounted for from your area.
7. Notify Public Safety at x2304 or 1-911 (dial 413-538-2304 from a cell phone) if there are any injuries or any damage to a building.
If Outside:
1. Move away from buildings, overhead lines, poles, or other objects that could fall or move abruptly (vehicles & equipment).
2. Get low to the ground and protect your head with your arms.
3. DO NOT stand or take shelter under covered walkways.
1. Proceed to the designated assembly area and WAIT.
2. Be prepared for after-shocks.
3. If you suspect gas, electrical or other problems, notify campus officials.
In Case of Major Disaster:
1. The Campus Emergency Response System will be initiated.
2. Wait at your designated assembly point until you receive further instructions or until you are scheduled to report for a pre-designated responsibility.
3. Follow instructions from college and emergency officials.
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