Monday, June 30, 2008

Animal Bites Procedures

For any on-campus emergency, dial x1-911.
From a cell phone dial (413) 538-2304

1. CONTROL BLEEDING: If bleeding, apply continuous pressure for 5-10 minutes. If bleeding is not controlled, seek medical assistance immediately (see #4 below).

2. CLEANSE WOUND: Wash all wounds immediately with soap or detergent solution and a high volume of water for at least 5 minutes, 10 minutes if extensive or extremely dirty. Primate bites require special care. Scrub with a solution such as chlorhexidine for 15 minutes under high volume of running water.

3. REPORT BITE: Report bite to your supervisor and to Public Safety (x2304).

4. SEEK MEDICAL FOLLOW-UP: Students: Go to the Health Center. For After Hours Care: Call Pulic Safety at x2304. Employees: Contact your health care provder.

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