Monday, July 21, 2008

Administrative Changes

Mount Holyoke continuously looks for ways to strengthen ties within the Five Colleges and identify collaborative arrangements that provide a high level of service and increased effectiveness and efficiency at a cost affordable to the college. Effective July 1, 2008, MHC entered into such an agreement with Hampshire for joint campus public safety services under the leadership of Paul Ominsky who is the current Director of Public Safety at Mount Holyoke. Hampshire's public safety officers and dispatchers have become employees of Mount Holyoke. They will continue, however, to serve the Hampshire campus as they always have. At Mount Holyoke, the level of service provided by the Department of Public Safety will be unchanged, as will our staffing levels.

We are excited about this new collaborative initiative. Director Ominsky also currently supervises the Smith College public safety force. We expect that the extension of this collaborative to include Hampshire will present opportunities for coordination, cross-training, and mutual support among the three campuses.

This arrangement brings an immediate benefit to Mount Holyoke. For example, we will have greater staff resources available to help at such busy times as Halloween and Commencement. Meanwhile, our officers will continue to be part of a police force accredited by the Massachusetts Police Accreditation Commission, a status indicative of the force's meeting or exceeding rigorous national standards for public safety.

Other exciting news from Public Safety includes the graduation of two of our officers, Theresa Ryan and Megan Smith, from the Special State Police academy. Theresa was elected president of her class, and Megan received an award for highest academic standing in the class. Theresa will be training and working on the overnight shift, and Megan will be training and working on the day shift.

Source: MHC News Office

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The New Dorm

The New Dorm is almost ready for the fall opening. The construction is done, the rooms are almost complete, the installation of the hardware and wiring is taking place and then the furnishings will come. The only thing is, it still doesn't have a name. We will be sure to let you know when that happens. Until then, enjoy some of the pictures our photographer friend was able to capture for us to share.

Front entrance on Lower Lake Rd

View from inside looking out over the front entrance

Friday, July 11, 2008

Medical Emergency Procedures

For any on-campus emergency, dial x1-911.

From a cell phone dial (413) 538-2304.

A medical emergency can occur anywhere on campus. The reaction of the victim or those around her/him can ensure quick arrival of trained emergency personnel.

What to do if someone is injured or becomes ill:

  • Stay Calm.
  • Dial 1-911 (413-538-2304 from a cell phone) and explain the type of emergency, the location of the victim and the condition of the victim. Let the dispatcher know of any safety hazards - chemical spill, fire, fumes, etc.
    • Be sure to tell the dispatcher if the person is unconscious, not breathing, is bleeding profusely or has chest pain. These all cause the dispatcher to summon an ambulance.
  • Do not hang up unless told to do so by the dispatcher.
  • Do not move the victim unless there is danger of further injury if s/he is not moved.
  • Do not give victim anything to eat or drink.

Department of Public Safety Officers are trained as Massachusetts First Responders. All officers receive annual re-certification in CPR and use of the department's Automatic External Defibrillators. Officers may be augmented by members of the student Medical Emergency Response Team who are trained as EMT-Basics and as First Responders.

Public Safety and the MERT Team provide triage and emergency medical care. Public Safety can provide access to ambulance service as well as transportation for community members, as appropriate, to the college's Health Center.

If you have a medical condition that might require special knowledge by our staff, please contact Director Paul Ominsky or Associate Director Barbara Arrighi to discuss your situation. See also our Assistance Program for Students With Disabilites for more details.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Fire Procedures

For any on-campus emergency, dial x1-911.
From a cell phone dial (413) 538-2304.

Fire and the associated dangers of smoke, structural damage, or toxic releases can pose serious threats of injury and death to students, employees, visitors, and emergency response personnel. In order to control a fire and minimize its damage, the following steps should be taken immediately:
* Leave the area at once.
* Pull the fire alarm.
* Alert other people in the area and instruct them to leave the building.
* Close, DO NOT LOCK, all doors and windows if you can safely do so to help contain the fire.
* Stay as low as possible to avoid smoke and heat.
* Evacuate the building calmly, but quickly, following evacuation and assembly procedures posted in the building.
* Do not use elevators.
* Go directly to the designated assembly area and await additional instructions. Report anyone who is missing and who was in your classroom or area when the evacuation began to the Building Captain.
* Call 1-911 from a safe location. .
* Remain at the assembly area until you are instructed how to proceed by the Public Safety staff or South Hadley Fire Department official.

If Trapped:

1. Alert emergency responders of your location by whistling, shouting or using an object to beat on walls, floor in a rhythmic manner.
2. If a telephone is available, call extension 1-911 (413-538-2304 from a cell phone) and notify the Public Safety Personnel of your location; you may also place an article of clothing or other device to use as a signal in a window, if a window is available.
3. Stuff material in door cracks to minimize smoke and try to stay low, near the floor, where heat, smoke, and contaminants may be less.
4. If you are injured, tend to injuries.


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

What to do if you see a disturbance?

For any on-campus emergencey, dial x1-911
From a cell phone dial (413) 538-2304.


1. Get a description of the person(s) causing the disturbance.

2. Gather key details of what happened.

3. Call Public Safety at x 2304 or 1-911, then give your name, telephone number, location and the nature of the disturbance.

Actions Faculty Can Take for Classroom Disturbances

1. Direct the disruptive person(s) to leave the classroom.

2. If the person(s) does not leave, have the situation reported to the Public Safety Department at x 2304 or 1-911 giving the name of the caller, telephone number, location, and nature of the disturbance.

3. If the safety of the others is threatened, dismiss the class.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Earthquake Procedures

For any on-campus emergency, dial x1-911
From a cell phone dial (413) 538-2304

Earthquakes are one of the most potentially damaging emergencies the campus will face. The potential coexistence of other disasters with earthquakes, such as fires, natural gas line ruptures, power outages, and ground failures add to the potential for catastrophic damage to campus and the surrounding area. Organizations are expected to be self-sufficient up to 3 days following a major earthquake, without government agency or utility company response. In the event of an earthquake

If Inside:

1. Take cover under a desk or table and hold on. If your cover moves, move with it. Brace in a doorway if cover is not available -- be cautious of swinging doors and people traffic. Avoid outside or high-use doorways.
2. Stay away from windows and objects that could fall.
3. If in a theater or lecture hall, stay in your seat or get under it, if possible. Protect your head with your arms.
4. When shaking stops, move cautiously outside. Be careful of falling building materials or uneven ground. When outside, move away from the building.
5. Proceed to a designated assembly point, or if unsafe, an alternate assembly point. Remain for further instruction.
6. Instructors and supervisors: Notify the Public Safety of anyone unaccounted for from your area.

7. Notify Public Safety at x2304 or 1-911 (dial 413-538-2304 from a cell phone) if there are any injuries or any damage to a building.


If Outside:

1. Move away from buildings, overhead lines, poles, or other objects that could fall or move abruptly (vehicles & equipment).
2. Get low to the ground and protect your head with your arms.
3. DO NOT stand or take shelter under covered walkways.


1. Proceed to the designated assembly area and WAIT.
2. Be prepared for after-shocks.
3. If you suspect gas, electrical or other problems, notify campus officials.

In Case of Major Disaster:

1. The Campus Emergency Response System will be initiated.
2. Wait at your designated assembly point until you receive further instructions or until you are scheduled to report for a pre-designated responsibility.
3. Follow instructions from college and emergency officials.