Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Public Safety

As of May 3, 2010

Awards Presented in the Spring of 2010

Community Awards (plaque awarded)
- MHC's president Joanne Creighton as she retires

- Doug Vanderpoel who was instrumental in setting up the technology to allow our central dispatch center to become a reality

- MHC's Dean of Students Liz Braun on her departure from MHC

Lifesaving Awards (framed citation & uniform ribbon)
- Officers Scott Pospolita, John Wagner, and Steaphan Mish (Northampton fire)

- Officer Megan Smith (medical emergency for student)

Recognition Award (framed citation)
- Frank Rogala, Jeff Wojcik & Josh Dufresne for locating and arresting a level 3 sex offender who was following students on the MHC campus

- MHC Human Resources office for all the work they did to help get employees benefits, on the payroll, and administratively added to the MHC payroll for the collaboration

- Central Dispatch staff for their efforts in making the central dispatch area successful

- Juan Rivera & Jesse Ritter for responding to an MHC student attempting suicide and likely thwarting her efforts

- Juan Rivera for assisting Belchertown PD in locating an MHC student who was possibly suicidal by contacting her cell provider to ping her cell phone to locate her in the woods

- Seth Irwin for responding to and dousing a fire in a residence hall at Hampshire

- Megan Smith for assisting a student who had taken 30 pills and was drifting out of consciousness by keeping her awake until an ambulance was able to respond

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